ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management System


ISO 22000 is a Food Safety Management System (FSMS) that can be applied to any organisation in the food industry – from farm to fork. Although being an industrial-specific risk management system for any type of food processing and marketing, it applies a Quality Management System approach to food safety and can therefore be closely incorporated with ISO 9001.

The current version is ISO 22000:2018 .

The ISO 22000 standard outlines exactly what needs to be in a Food Safety Management System (FSMS), such as Food Safety Management Systems processes and procedures, and requires that the organization implement prerequisite programs (also called GMP’s – Good Manufacturing Practices) and HACCP.

This means that you will have a documented system in place and fully implemented throughout your facility that includes:

  • Effective Prerequisite Programs in place to ensure a clean sanitary environment
  • A Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Plan developed to identify, prevent and eliminate food safety hazards,
  • Established documented food safety management system processes to manage food safety throughout your organization – from management and business planning aspects to day to day communication and operations affecting food safety.
  • Maintaining records of the performance of the system.
  • Establishing a group of qualified individuals to make up a Food Safety Team.
  • Defining communication procedures to ensure effective communication with important contacts outside the company (regulatory, customers, suppliers and others) and for effective internal communication.
  • Having an emergency plan.
  • Holding management review meetings to evaluate the performance of the FSMS.
  • Providing adequate resources for the effective operation of the FSMS including appropriately trained and qualified personnel, sufficient infrastructure and appropriate work environment to ensure food safety.
  • Establishing a traceability system for identification of the product.
  • Establishing a corrective action system and control of the nonconforming product.
  • Maintaining a documented procedure for handling the withdrawal of the product.
  • Controlling monitoring and measuring devices.
  • Establishing and maintaining an internal audit program.
  • Continually updating and improving the FSMS.


The consequences of unsafe food can be serious and ISO’s food safety management standards help organizations identify and control food safety hazards.

As many of today’s food products repeatedly cross national boundaries, International Standards are needed to ensure the safety of the global food supply chain.

Becoming certified to ISO 22000 allows a company to prove to their customers that they have a food safety management system in place. This provides customer confidence in the product. This is becoming more and more important as customers demand safe food and food processors require that ingredients obtained from their suppliers to be safe.

ISO 22000 is benefiting businesses and consumer alike by:

  • ensuring safe food
  • reducing foodborne diseases
  • better quality and safer jobs in the food industry
  • better utilization of resources
  • more efficient validation and documentation of techniques, methods and procedures
  • increased profits
  • increased potential for economic growth and development

Anyone involved in the food industry should be aware of the benefits that ISO 22000 has on the processing, storage, manufacturing and distribution of edible products. It provides companies with superior food safety and security, keeps profits from dropping and can be combined with other management system standards, such as ISO 9001:2015, for maximum effects on quality.

Knowing whether ISO 22000 is right for you and your organization is simple: It works for each company, regardless of size or location. Outlining best practices within your company will allow you to deliver results, convey confidence across the board and impress stakeholders and consumers.

When food safety practices fail, dangerous and often extremely expensive consequences may result. Preventing potential problems before they happen through the implementation of food safety standards can rescue an organization from, loss, attorney fees or even having to close its doors for good.

ISO 22000 was created to benefit employers, employees and the general public and has a positive impact on a company’s short- and long-term successes.


ISOLOGIC has developed a streamlined method for ISO 22000 implementation in a logical and easy to understand and follow way.

How? We implement the ISO 22000 system for you, we provide you with all necessary documentation and Forms and then we train all relevant staff (Managers/Supervisors) how to use it. This includes all required Good Manufacturing Procedures (GMP’s ) which are also called Pre-Requisite Program (PRP). It incorporates a full HACCP implementation, as well as ISO 9001 Quality Management System implementation.

While Top Management is needed in some of the sessions the majority of the Implementation work is done with the persons you appoint as your Food Safety Team and Food Safety Team Leader (FTL).

For information on the Implementation process, duration and cost please complete the Quick Response Form.


We implement ISO systems in a fast and efficient way that is affordable and uncomplicated, with minimum level of intrusiveness and maximum level of rewards.



We implement ISO systems in a fast and efficient way that is affordable and uncomplicated, with minimum level of intrusiveness and maximum level of rewards.

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